Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton likely broke laws, investigation finds (Video)

Republican-led investigation accused Paxton of committing felonies in office


JAY JANNER /Austin American-Statesman via Associated Press

Rep. Andrew Murr, R – Junction, speaks during a House General Investigating Committee hearing about Attorney General Ken Paxton at the Capitol in Austin, Texas, on Wednesday May 24, 2023.


AUSTIN — A Republican-led investigation on Wednesday accused Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of committing multiple crimes in office — including felonies — during an extraordinary public airing of scandal and alleged lawbreaking that plunged one of the GOP’s conservative stars into new political and legal risk.

For more than three hours, investigators presented findings alleging Paxton sought to hide an affair, misused his office to help a donor, skirted protocols “grossly outside” norms and built a culture of fear and retaliation in his office. Investigators told the GOP-led House General Investigating Committee that there was evidence that Paxton repeatedly broke the law over the years, including by misusing official information, abusing his official capacity and retaliation.

The dramatic turn of events in the Texas Capitol unleashed a new test of Paxton’s durability in a way he has not previously confronted despite a felony indictment in 2015 and an ongoing FBI investigation. The House committee’s investigation has been quietly going on for months and did not come to light until Tuesday.

Watch the hearing here:

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